Thursday, March 24, 2011

And the Food Journal Begins

This has been coming on for a while now. I knew that my clothes weren't fitting quite the way they should. I was rewarding myself with food. I would do 90 minutes of Bikram Yoga only to turn around and eat a giant wedge of lasagna and some garlic bread followed by a desert (because after 90 minutes of yoga there's nothing better for your inner and outer well being than Italian..right?) And then there is my boyfriend. The man loves to cook, worse yet, he loves to coat everything with a healthy layer of cheese. Being from Wisconsin the readily available Crack n' Cheese you can find on every corner has become a problem. I didn't want to restrict calories I mean I am an active twenty something professional. I work out a few times a week and I am a full time graduate student. There was no room for a significant reduction of food. But then a thought entered my head...just how much was I eating? I know that I read about those diet where people eat only 1400 calories a day..but considering how fat America is..I bet I was eating way more than the 2000 calories we are supposed to be eating. Shocking right! Well after four days of eating and counting exactly 2000 calories, along with two sessions of yoga, I had dropped 3 pounds. I don't think the answer is about restricting our food significantly. I think it's more about portion control and actually holding ourselves accountable to 2000 calories. This doesn't feel like a diet, rather it feels like I am following the golden rules of eating. If we are supposed to be eating 2000 calories, and we eat more, then of course we gain weight. If we eat 2000 calories a day and are moderately active I bet we would all become healthy. So this is my blog, and here I attempt to find out, what happens to a girl, who has at least 50 pounds to lose, counts those calories to the 2000 calorie mark. Do we really need to subtract so much? Is portion control enough? I think so.

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